Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Black Californians Shame On You

If black Californians had not turned out in record numbers in November's election Proposition 8, the anti gay marriage bill would not have passed.

First let me say that I refuse to use the term African-Americans. The term is divisive. What am I a Middle Eastern American and a European American. I have never been to the middle east or Europe and most black Americans have never and will never visit the mother land. By modifying what kind of American you are you are saying that you are less than a whole American. Black Americans are are full and complete Americans just like every other race color or creed. And when black people look in the mirror what do they see? They see a black American. There is not a body with the outline of the African continent in place of their head. Black people you are no more or less special than anybody else and how you refer to yourselves should not differ from anybody else. You should hear my hero Whoopi Goldberg go off on this subject.

It is like it is some big secret. Let's be called African-Americans because we are afraid to be called black. Hello, every black person I have ever known KNEW they were black and it was no secret. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the civil rights struggle to achieve equality? Separate is never equal. And the names we give ourselves can separate people in our minds. Using the term African-Americans is the same thing as having black only drinking fountains. We are all just plain old Americans.

That being said.....................

The election has become a double edged sword. The black community has had a historically low voter turnout because of the apathy in the community. Blacks tended to feel that their vote would not really count. For the first time because of Barack Obama the community has hope and feels part of the system and not disenfranchised. This is a very good thing. It is a very empowering feeling to feel that your voice counts. Hopefully this will not be a one time thing and the empowerment remains and becomes engrained and hope prevails.

And the bad news. Because of the high percentage of hompphobia in the black community Prop 8 passed. 70% of black Californians are against gay marriage as opposed to only 50% in the white and Latin communities. Black people you are living by the very double standard that the civil rights movement tried so hard to eradicate.

The wife, family and foundation of the Reverand Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has repeatedly said that the struggle for racial equality and gay rights is the same thing. Blacks are in the minority because of the color of their skin. Gays are in the minority because of who we love. Neither one is a choice. This is how we are made by God and God does not make mistakes.

Hompbhobia in the black community is a big problem. Why should one minority have full civil rights and another not? It is a classic case of the double standard. Have black people forgot about the fight for equal rights to the point that they do not even know what it means? Or are they so self absorbed that they think equality only applies to them? Black people have you lost your ever lovin' minds? You are doing to gay people what white people did to you for 400 years.

One disgusting result of homophobia is the concept of transexuals. They would rather chop of their dick than accept that they might be gay. If I am in the wrong body it is not my fault or responsibility.
When I see all the transexual hookers on Hollywood Boulevard why do they all seem to be either black or latin? Well I have the answer. Homosexuality is so forbidden and engraned in those communities as wrong to the point that it is easier to believe that you were placed in the wrong body of the wrong sex instead of just accepting that you are homosexual. Transexuals would rather butcher their sexual organs and have breast implants and live as the other sex than to admit that they might be gay. Once again people, God does not make mistakes.

Now even open minded George has his morality judgements. You are not going to like what I am about to say because it is not politically correct, but I believe it to be true. Transexuals are going against God by changing the very essence of who God created them to be. Changing your sex is not like having liposuction. Gender identity is one of the most basic brain functions in all mamals. My cats know they are male and they are fine with that. We are born either black or white or gay or straight. We are not born into the wrong bodies.

And one more thing. I resent being grouped and identified every June and having to endure Gay Pride Month and the subsequent parades as the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender parade.
Gays, Lesbians and Bi-sexual people know who they are. Transexuals are an abomination.
I know who I am. I have struggled all my life to accept myself the way that God made me. Transexuals are lazy. Rather than understanding and accepting who they are they have a surgery to absolve themselves of the responsibility of being a complete and perfect human. Gender re-assignment is wrong and is a sad and nauseating result of rampant homophobia in the black and latin communities. Every transexual is homophobic. They are afraid to be gay. It is not a medical problem it is a socal problem and it should not be resolved by cutting off your penis.

So black Californians remember your struggle and realize you are and never were alone. At one time black slaves were only counted as 2/3 of a person in the national census. Funny, that is exactly what black people are doing to gay people right now.

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