Monday, December 8, 2008

Another friend's Prop 8 view

I have been friends with Randee since she was 10 and I was 11. Here are some good points made by her in regards to equality under the law and prop 8.
She is another one of my brilliant friends.
Here it is:

I work in the HR field. Coming from that perspective, until the federal government gets on board with this, a civil union or domestic partnership will never be equal to hetero marriage.

Another example of the inequality comes in terms of taxes and benefits. A man may place his wife on his medical plan and the premium costs deducted from his check will be done so on a pre-tax basis. A domestic partner or even a gay person who has legally married in CA does not have that luxury. It is done on a post-tax basis. So provided Prop 8 is overturned in CA, we still need to take the fight to the federal level because as others have said on this thread, separate is NOT equal.
One cannot help who they fall in love with and they should not be penalized because it is outside of a church's "norm".

Besides, in my humble opinion, marriage is a legal transaction anyway. You have to go to your local government office to get a marriage license and you have to go to court to get a divorce. Last I checked, the church had nothing to do with either of these.

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