Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mercury Retrograde Is Really Biting My Ass This Time

Only during mercury retrograde can this kind of a cavalcade of misfortune befall one human.

Late last week my 1 TB external hard drive with over 800 gigs - 800 movies - of porn, died. When I took the hard drives out of the case, one had indeed crashed and one worked but all data was lost. I have been downloading and building my porn library for over 5 years and now 1/4 of it is gone. Never buy Western Digital hard drives.

So Thursday I get home from work with groceries in my arms. I guess I did not latch my security gate all the way. I have an evil Tabby who literally pushes against the gate on a daily basis to see if it will open. Well as I was taking a nap, apparently it opened. All 4 cats got out. I do not know if they were out for 5 minutes or 3 hours. I heard Pixel fighting with another cat but it was not coming from inside the house. This was my first clue. As I went to open my back door the handle broke off in my hand so I could not use the back door to get the kitties in. So I chase Chester back in and he is such a good boy he runs right inside. Pixel was having a screaming match with a young male from the neighborhood so he was distracted when I came from behind and scooped him up and threw him back inside. Then I saw FX then he disappeared. So I am walking around calling his name and he pounces out of the bushes and attacks my feet. He is excited and does not know if he is happy or stressed. As I grab him, he bites my left hand between my thumb and fore finger so hard that the puncture DOES NOT EVEN BLEED. It was so deep and so sharp it was a hole. The part where his lower jaw got my palm bled like stabbed pig. So 3 down one to go and blood all over me, my clothes and the cat. Well there is a reason only one of my indoor cats wears a collar and name tag. Once Cyber gets out, he stays out and will not come back until he is starving for food. I saw him lounging in the sun as I called his name, he looked at me and when I got near him he dashed under the house. So fuck him. He has been out for 5 days before. He will come back tomorrow. My hand started to hurt. Since it did not bleed it trapped the infected saliva in the puncture hole. And FX was out chewing on god knows what just minutes before he bit me.

The next day my left hand was like a pink grapefruit and the pressure from the swelling was killing me. Luckily I had some Keflex which is good for skin infections left over from my infected belly button debacle from March. So finally after 6 days of anti biotics the hole has a scab and the swelling is gone. Oh and the Keflex gave me diarrhea.

Cyber comes back Friday at dinner time when I called out for dinner just as planned. That night Cyber was cuddling with me in bed as he usually does and I guess he smelled like outdoor kitty because as we lay there Pixel jumps on the bed, turns around and sprays piss all over Cyber and my faces. Well he got out just a few drops and my foot sent him sailing across the room. Now this seems humorous now but to have your cat piss in your face as you are falling off to sleep can really piss you off - all puns intended.
Only during mercury retrograde could something like that happen.

Then I was on my computers downloading files on one and doing work and Internet on the other when my Internet connection started to only kind of be there. I was at doing stuff for work and the page disappears. Then I cannot even access the router via the browser interface. I ended up reformatting the router and reinstalling my Ubuntu Linux operating system. I was so stressed that I did not even go in to work Monday. TimeWarner is delivering me a new cable modem tomorrow. I did after lots of yelling at my computer hardwaare I got everything working but if I had to tell you exactly what I did I could not.

You cannot make this kind of shit up. I know I will laugh about this at some time in the future, but right now my nerves are raw and so is my left hand.

So how has mercury been treating you?

Only 10 more days..........................


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