Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Apple Nazis

People who use Macs do not know how to think for themselves. They allow Steve Jobs to make their computer related decisions for them. It is either Apple's way or the highway. Now don't get me wrong, Apple makes great products that work well. But once you buy one you have to operate within the limited confines of what Apple approves of or not.

They market Macs as easy to use, simple. So what they are saying is we make our products to be idiot-proof. If you are an idiot and you do not want to learn how to do anything for yourself, buy a Mac and let them do the thinking for you.

I understand why Steve Jobs had to take a 6 month leave of absence as CEO of Apple. He is a power hungry control freak and the stress of managing the lives of all his employees and everybody who has ever owned an Apple product has finally caught up with him. This is what happens when you try and play God.

And then there is the arrogance of Mac users like they are better than the rest of us. When a proud Mac user gives you attitude just pretend to be interested and ask them some technical questions about their machine and see what response you get. It is usually "I dunno, it's on the computer."

Have you ever tried to find personal data on a Mac? As a computer consultant and somebody who knows a fair amount, but not everything about Apple's operating system, I used to work on Macs too, but it got to be more work than it was worth. Apple does not adhere to worldwide computer industry standards and protocols. They are so arrogant that they feel they can do whatever they want for their own reasons and their minions will follow. Ask a Mac user where their iTunes music is stored or where their documents are and again you get the response
"I dunno, it's on the computer." Ask a PC or Linux user, even the stupid ones and you will hear that is in My Documents.

Now nowhere here have I once mentioned Microsoft Windows. I do not like Microsoft either. They too are controlling and so big that they think they can do things anyway they please. I use only one Microsoft product and that is the operating system Vista. Microsoft should stick to what they are known for and do best, operating systems and stay out of the browser market or try and push their bloated Office suite on everybody who buys a computer.

But unlike Apple, Microsoft gives you unlimited customization and control of the programs and files you use. You see even though I am using Vista, I can CHOOSE not to use any other Microsoft product. They give me that option. They give me the freedom to not use them, Apple does not.

Now of course I am a big fan of Linux, specifically Ubuntu. It is free and open source. All software is free and you can customize and use it how you want for free. This is the future. Computing needs to not be a big profit endeavor, but something, like television or radio, that is free to anybody who chooses to use it with no corporate restrictions.

Apple is so arrogant that the technical support people in the Apple Stores are called geniuses. Yes you would have to be a genius to locate your personal data or god forbid save it to a different folder.

And then there is that god dammed iPhone. The thing has no buttons. I like buttons. My phone has a full qwerty keyboard surrounded by buttons. The iPhone has a virtual keyboard that for obvous reasons is always dirty because you are always touching it.

There is a reason that the iPhone is only available with ATT. Apple demands too much control for Verizon or Sprint. No other cell phone manufacturer demands a piece of your monthly service fee. And here we go again, if you have an iPhone you must have ATT. No choice.

I guess I should end with this. Most people are lazy idiots. Most people believe in some sort organized religon and do not question it. It looks like Apple will always have a fan base to sell to.